The discussion on
Digital Britain is now online (sort of). The website has been launched this afternoon to allow all of us to clamber into the debate about the future of Digital Britain and contribute to the report.
It is just a Wordpress blog but there is a video from Stephen Carter, encouraging us to get engaged, and the press release states that there are links to the relevant blogs etc. As with all Govt IT and website projects, this one has some teething problems and has blatantly not been in a test period or sandbox first!! No blogroll, no way to register, and hence, as yet, no discussion. But hopefully, these will all be solved over the coming days and it will be interesting to hear from the many who have views on this matter. Please promote the site widely. The government needs to hear from all of us.
Genius. Not.
Glitch in config so all comments (bear in mind this is a discussion site!!) are deleted immediately, no way to log in and register, and no links to the sites referred to in the press release.
Can you really be trusted to come up with a proper digital strategy for Britain, Mr Carter, if you and your pals cannot get a simple Wordpress website together?
There is the site at which seems to offer a much more sensible approach to feedback than Stephen Carter's feeble effort.
seems to be working now so lets go tell 'em how it should be done folks!
This might interest you
( @MarkP in particular )
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