Go on, you know you want one! Get a mug or tshirt today and support the push for UK fibre to the home - rural and otherwise!!
Best rendition on Youtube of C'mon on baby by a Fibrevolution reader gets a free mug!!!
After many years waiting, writing and speaking about the subject, it appears Fibre To The Home has finally made it into the mainstream news. So, in order to help others who may not have been involved in campaigning for FTTH for the last decade, this blog has been set up to try to keep all those who need to know about FTTx up to date with developments (or not if BT and BIS have their way), opinions, current thinking, functional projects etc.
That is sooooo cool !
What does the latest one say Fiver ? I'm assuming I'm missing something here.
Waiting for the paycheck, then I'm getting myself one !!!
Fiver To The Home - we'll launch that argument shortly as soon as the maths has been double checked but it's £5tth to give you a clue...
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