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Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Celebration of Speed event

Rural fibre connections continue apace it seems and this week sees the "Celebration of Speed" event This blog post can be read at

LoopScorpio have provided the Ullenwood Court Business Park near Cheltenham with 21st century connections, and in doing so have also brought decent connectivity to nearby towns over their own fibre network.

Undoubtedly, these are precisely the type of places that would fall into the final third, and this approach of mixing business with pleasure (e.g. homes and businesses) carries a level of sustainability with it. It also means that those who are in notspots can be 'subsidised' by the businesses, meaning a general I.T. upskilling in the area which can only be a good thing for businesses seeking employees locally.

Good luck to Loop Scorpio with their rural broadband future,and here's hoping we see more such announcements about local people JFDI.

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