The many hats I wear (cyberbarn, 5tth, cybersavvy, digitaldales, b4rn etc) have decided to leave Cumbria and go walkabout and will be coming to you from o'er t'Pond shortly.
This blog post can be read at
More details to follow, but for those who want to hear more about gigabit broadband, smart cities and towns, rural innovation, how fat pipes affect Internet marketing, business and commerce, as well as mobile/wireless and socio-economic progress once you have summat approaching true broadband, and just possibly a few posts that endeavour to join dots across many interests to hopefully reveal bigger pictures, feel free to stay tuned over the coming weeks.
You can even throw a few pounds into my Escape Fund to ensure I don't need to write about soup kitchens too! Every little helps as once again I am travelling at my own expense on a broken shoestring to bring you the latest broadband news, commentary and interviews. All in my own inimitable style, of course.
Donate via PayPal to ldotannisonatgmaildotcom or contact me about sponsorship opportunities. Blank cheques also welcome! #jk
Int’l Roundup: GNM, NetIX, Ciena, Nokia
[image: Int’l Roundup: GNM, NetIX, Ciena, Nokia]
A few international news bytes before the long weekend: … [visit site to
read more]
1 day ago
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