Rutland Telecom is going from strength to strength, and there are plenty of new faces helping to move the company forwards now. The reason for this post is to put paid to any rumours to the contrary!
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I interviewed David Lewis of Rutland Telecom back in July 2009. Since then Rutland has delivered the first rural FTTC, started to deliver full FTTH into those areas the major telcos have said is economically 'impossible', and found investment from Gigaclear.
David has however handed over the Managing Director reins to Christer Karlsson so that David can start a new consultancy business, Broadband Consultancy Ltd.
There are also new members joining the team in the forthcoming weeks, and it is great to know that at least two females will be heading up departments in what has traditionally been a male-dominated world.
A quick chat with Matthew Hare, CEO of Gigaclear, revealed that Rutland have managed to reduce the dig costs by half, that the new drop architecture design that Rutland are using now only needs a one man install team (as compared to BT's 4), and that all fibre laid by Rutland from now on will be direct bury.
So, that's that sorted then! Carry on.....
Metro Bytes: Lightpath, 123NET, Ezee Fiber, DFN, Render Networks, Firstlight
Here is a series of news bytes covering regional infrastructure expansion
projects from this week: … [visit site to read more]
2 days ago
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