Int’l Roundup: GNM, NetIX, Ciena, Nokia
[image: Int’l Roundup: GNM, NetIX, Ciena, Nokia]
A few international news bytes before the long weekend: … [visit site to
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1 day ago
After many years waiting, writing and speaking about the subject, it appears Fibre To The Home has finally made it into the mainstream news. So, in order to help others who may not have been involved in campaigning for FTTH for the last decade, this blog has been set up to try to keep all those who need to know about FTTx up to date with developments (or not if BT and BIS have their way), opinions, current thinking, functional projects etc.
I know this poster looks a bit like a 'home made' one on the front cover, but I can assure you it isn't. An a3 version was delivered through every door in the village by the postman. I am checking to see if it went to neighbouring villages or was indeed countrywide. It does seem very strange that we got them now. It is also strange that they are offering 'up to 20meg' when the nearest adsl2+ is miles away from here, our exchange is only capable of 'up to 8meg' and many of us can't get any broadband at all, only dial up. Yes. Its just not cricket.
It should be made clear. No-one is saying that BT, overnight, knocked this poster together because of a live streamed cricket match this month. However, the reality of the fat pipe that goes into Wray and the usage it will now be put to, must be beginning to hit home.
Communities and their associated champions, of which @cyberdoyle is one, are not shy about telling telcos what we have all been missing whilst they sweat the copper assets.
A little FiWi and the marketing panic begins, it seems.
Sorry to rain on your parade girls but those A4 flyers were delivered here as well - 200 miles away.
The A3 thing folds around the other standard junk delivered to every address by Royal Mail.
Add the JohnPopham social media/citizen journo expert, with a little DanSlee community thinking, and the BT advertising team must be in meltdown....and when it's all live on the Net as it happens, with backstage feedback and commentary too within mere moments....#o'er4ADSL
If BT would spend a little less on marketing and a little more on actually improving their service...
Still death throws of the dinosaur is what we are witnessing - either that or BT morphing into a mouse!
Then ask yourself why in deepest Surrey I didn't get home until 21:15 last night ?
Answer:- I had a panic call to my mobile whilst collecting the latest set of lousy broadband statistics out in the sticks. The fellow was distraught as he was filling in the umpteenth job application when his always very bad broadband signal disappeared. Thankfully a little blue car that somebody had a ride in recently just happend to have a 2Wire 2700HGV inside it ! RESULT After 8 minutes attempting to synchronise & authenticate, BT Speedtest on 21CN 91 Kbps down & 355 Kbps up but at least the CV crawled up the aluminium and copper.
@PhilT - sorry, can you just remind me? Do you live in or near Lincolnshire by any chance?
And would anyone else care to tell me which other postcodes this flier may have been delivered to since launch? [Drums...REPORT]
(If Phil can play Deep Purple, I can play Anne McCaffrey)
so far nobody else except us has been targeted with these flyers. I can't find anyone else who has had them.
They went Cumbria wide as far as I know - everyone I've talked to had one through their door.
I haven't found anyone in Eden in Cumbria who has done to date.
As far as I recall we didn't get the flyer in out village just 5 miles west of Wray. We get a lot of junk mail from BT but I'm sure I would have noticed an A3 flyer.
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BT thing wrapped around the usual Everest etc etc adverts
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