New networks require new apps. And what better way to make sure these apps work than to let the developers on to the networks and testbeds? This is what we have been arguing is continuing the chicken and egg lack of demand for FTTH in the UK.....lack of access to high speed networks because they simply don't exist means no-one is innovating to create the demand for the apps that require FTTH...
This blog post can be read at
AT & T are opening innovation centres to encourage developers to help bring telehealth etc apps to market far more quickly than AT&T would be able to alone.
Now, let's see similar approaches in the UK. There are literally hundreds of ideas out there for services and apps that require all that FTTH brings to the table which so-called "superfast broadband" cannot. Yet, how can anyone develop their ideas if they cannot test them without travelling abroad to do so?
Such innovation centres could be one possible spend of the money that should be returned to the public purse when all these non-viable areas prove to be economically profitable.... After all, there are going to continue to be advances in wireless for a long time to come which will need constant innovation, as well as a never-ending stretch of fibre networks to 10, 100 Gbps and beyond as apps and services are developed.
Metro Bytes: Lightpath, 123NET, Ezee Fiber, DFN, Render Networks, Firstlight
Here is a series of news bytes covering regional infrastructure expansion
projects from this week: … [visit site to read more]
2 days ago
Please list some applications that require FTTH.
With 50% of properties soon having access to a VM 100M connection it should not be difficult to find a demand, or is 100M not enough?
What bandwidth does telehealth need?
Developers tend to want to reduce the need for power consumption, size, bandwidth etc. because it all costs money so you are mistaken to say that there are applications not existing because every home does not have FTTH.
This is actually very old news - February 18, 2010 - and the AT&T press release says nothing about FTTH and focuses on mobile broadband.
So... how does the installation of FTTH get funded in urban areas?
The market funds FTTH in urban areas. Why is this urban connectivity such an issue for you??? There is zero evidence anywhere that says FTTH in urban areas is not a telco cherry picking delight.
Wait for my reports next week from Milan about FTTH apps and the new league table. I will of course be wearing my Union Jill tshirt with pride (NOT!) at our inevitable non-appearance ANYWHERE in the league table of countries that have worked this out and JFDI.
100 Meg is OK if symmetrical, as a starter for ten, but we are sticking to our guns that consumers don't create content, aren't we if we don't go to symmetry?
And so, it's an old press release but find something similar in the UK for your average developer who isn't already in bed with the telcos? We are now YEARS behind other countries, not months, weeks or hours.
@somerset - I strongly urge you to get on a plane or ferry and go see FTTH at work for yourself. I have, and do, and am next week, at my own expense, and it continues to be worth every single penny.
Latest news is a centre is open in Plano Texas!
Look forward to hearing your reports, can you point us to any lists of apps now?
Found this - &
So some companies/organisations are working with some telcos. A start.
Cybersavvy - it would be really useful to know what bandwidth a particular app needs.
There is a place in the UK today that has FttH and provides Innovation Centre capability.
The "H" in this case stands for "Hall" and the location is the NextGenUs Innovation Centre (NIC) at Ashby Hall, Lincolnshire.
Anyone interested in pure glass connectivity available in an uniquely historical rural setting please contact
Mobile companies realise the importance of developers and start-ups too
telefonica at MWC
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