I've been pushing this for years as an approach to CAN (Community Access Network) in a Box - the roadmap required for communities to build their own networks. Whoever produces CAN in a Box, I think it needs to meet the format of giving communities the questions they need to ask, NOT the answers they are seeking. Answers will undoubtedly be out of date before the Toolkit is produced, and the answers will differ for each community. But the questions won't!
This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com
I've just spotted the name of someone for whom I have a deal of respect - Alan Srbljanin, who I came across when quizzing Mason Bros about the Toolkit and how we could extend it to include communities during the CBN supporting communities era. That was way back when I was organising the End Game conference in 2004/5.
If I could reach under my desk right now and not distract myself reading through every meeting note since 1995, I'd find my phone conversation with Alan and re-run it for you. Suffice to say, I put the phone down with a huge grin on my face. Here was an RDA person who really, truly got IT.
In London last week at the Tweetup and in other meetings, I was asked by more than one person to link to the EMDA Toolkit on the blog so here it is.
EMDA Toolkit for IT, property developers, councils, communities etc.
Bear in mind when it was written and look beyond the possible changes and focus on the STRUCTURE of such a resource. And then buy Alan a drink.
Metro Bytes: Windstream, Dobson, Ziply, CityFibre
Four bits of news from the last mile of the fiber business around the US: …
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21 hours ago
Good to see the Toolkit get some recognition after 6 years but disappointing that it's attributed to the wrong person. I originated the idea and developed the outline framework for the toolkit then sought funding for it. Alan recongised the value and funded it through emda. Analysys Mason worked on the detail. The toolkit was the enabling partner to another of my projects in 2003 http://ec.europa.eu/community_law/state_aids/comp-2004/n199-04.pdf - with the gaps filled, the toolkit provided the design and build process that would ensure all new build and sites were network ready. Sadly nobody got it!
I can't get the toolkit from the linked site, I fill in the little form, get a dialogue box saying thanks and then I'm back where I started ?
Is there a link directly to the thing anywhere.
Many apologies for the mistaken attribution. Please buy Evan a drink instead!
The ICT Toolkit is available to download etc here ICT Toolkit
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