I sat on the doorstep of Cyberbarn tonight, waiting for two of our seriously active community campaigners (have you voted for Libby yet?)
This blog post can be read at 5tth.blogspot.com
When these folk arrived, just after I had spoken to Rory on the train as he came home to his constituency, we took Cyberbarn to pieces and reconstructed it. I am very lucky to have people like this around me. So is Cyberbarn.
Every hurdle we currently face will be removed by our Big Society barrier busting team. And people like Julie and Libby.
Watch this space. Cyberbarn is knocking down hurdles that it seems County would prefer stayed in place for at least another year. No chance. You will be voted out at the next election and we will make sure that your actions about bringing broadband to the Final Third are made public.
Metro Bytes: Lightpath, 123NET, Ezee Fiber, DFN, Render Networks, Firstlight
Here is a series of news bytes covering regional infrastructure expansion
projects from this week: … [visit site to read more]
2 days ago
Rest assured you have a National following as well as your local one. There are plenty of folk "South of Watford" who are just as dismayed as you are.
The quite disgraceful way the incumbent manipulated public servants to destroy our approved RDPE grant, thus squandering vast amounts of "Big Society" efforts (as well as public servants' resources as well) is another prime example. Yet another public service department dismissed our outraged complaints as "just a local difficulty".
For yet another set of distressed folk just read this blog:-
Cyberbarn has 110% backing from Upper Eden people and businesses.
It is now plumbed in and it will open during (Can't) Get Online Week.
It will be a Fibrebarn shortly, and it will be connected into the 1Gbps fibre which comes into the village at a perfectly reasonably 100Mbps. Not at a commercial rate, but at a fair and reasonable fee for a community educational project.
BT Global and CLEO can only stonewall, with Cumbrian resources, for so long before the villagers finds a simple way around these 'offcumeduns'.
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