Dear BT, Quick question, when you say your FTTP/H solution is 110Mbps capable (as per report on ISPReview) do you mean it could get there somewhere in the future or that it will deliver from the word go?
This blog post can be read at
In Milan, we will all be eagerly awaiting the update about which countries have gained entrance to the FTTH Council League - I know the UK has not. And if they can all deliver 100Mbps+ now, is there a technical problem in the UK we should be aware of???
Metro Bytes: Windstream, Dobson, Ziply, CityFibre
Four bits of news from the last mile of the fiber business around the US: …
[visit site to read more]
21 hours ago
To be fair to BT, FttH is a genuinely positive step forwards.
Sure there is debate to be had about ownership, terms of trade and wotnot.
Accelerating and deepening the availability of fibre to homes and businesses is the next step on critical path towards future-proof Digital Services
I score this as triple FUD.
1) Is their backhaul fat enough to support a sizable number of users ?
2) Do they have any 110Mbps customers at this time ? If not then this is a lab rat and a smokescreen.
3) Other FTTP providers have regular service* Uni-Gig. (1 Gbps) customers right now. So where is BT's residential / small business equivalent ?
* Regular service does NOT include a connection suitable for a major business (e.g. Google) or a university.
P.S. One my pet peeves about telcos like BT is their custom of hiding via fragmentation. They split their services up between residential, business, and custom / special offerings. All telcos should be required to have a consolidated schedule of landline charges so that obsolete pricing can be spotted and dealt with in a fair manner.
Also, what is BT trying to hide with this announcement ? Is it perhaps that sections of their network are grossly obsolete (e.g. party lines) ? Is it perhaps that their backhaul is locked into a metro-to-metro model and lacks tapping points along the way ?
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