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We all travel. Even if only to work in town. We need batteries for our devices, cables, memory cards (or cloud - pah, who trusts that?!) You probably walk out the door without your socks or shoes on before you forget your device needs. Because, life revolves around your phone, tablet, connection....right?
I´m old enough to remember...
Now, imagine if you leave home with your phone part charged, you´ve forgotten your cable (don´t let it be one of those Huawei ones - you apparently can be shot for even owning an Huawei now), left your 1/2kg x zillion Mah battery charger on the kitchen table, and your credit runs out between zone 1 and 2. I suspect sympathy is gonna be minimal, all round. The fact that you are also locked out of your own home, shoe and sockless and with no bait for lunch will mean far less than the fact you LET YOUR PHONE RUN OUT.
Uber sin.
*BTW, that is called "atmospheric descriptive dialect". In Yorkshire.
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